Case study | Red Door Hearing & Speech
30-50 bookings per month from online marketing after years of disappointment working with generic agencies
We met at an Oticon conference in New York in 2018. At the end of our presentation, Quenton jumped up and yelled “I want to marry you!.. I’ve been looking for something like this forever!” He had a website and tried some marketing with a large national agency and then a company local in his market but had little success. Not many bookings were coming through the website and he couldn’t tell what was working. He had a great local brand in his market, but it just wasn’t translating to anything tangible.
Once we got things going for Quenton, the results ramped up quickly. He said that before Zoolstra, he was lucky to get a form fill on his site every few weeks before working with us and now it was 1 or 2 a day! He now dominates his local rankings for the search terms that convert and has a large volume of calls every month.
A word from Our Partner
"There are lots of people out there offering services to our industry that don't know anything about hearing care, and Zoolstra does"
Quenton Currie
Owner at Red Door Hearing & Speech
Red Door Hearing & Speech
Short Term Results
15-20 bookings per month within the first 90 days
Long Term Results
Averaging 30-50 bookings per Month at a Cost of only $18 Per Booking
Clinic Owner
Quenton Currie
Hold on, There's more
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From the #11 ranked clinic in their region to the #1 ranked clinic
250+ Incoming Calls Per Month And A 485% Increase In Profitability
30-50 Bookings Per Month From Online Marketing
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