Case study | Sense Of Hearing
How we helped Sense of Hearing generate 71 new patient appointments for their clinic in under 30 days and scale to over 147 appointments a month in just 7 months using The OC8 Method™️
When are first engaged with Sense Of Hearing they had been working with a generic marketing agency and were frustrated with the lack of results they were seeing in spite of the investment they were making.
One of the first things we observed was that their previous agency hadn't set up any tracking so any results they were getting from their advertising campaign couldn't be measured or attributed correctly.
In addition to this their advertising was very generic in nature and thus unlikely to convert in such a competitive market.
In the first 30 days we generated 71 additional appointments and 7 months later we are generating 147 appointments a month.
Sense Of Hearing
Short Term Results
71 new appointments in under 30 days
Long Term Results
147 appointments a month within just 7 months
Hold on, There's more
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